
Archive for the ‘100 things i love about summer’ Category

100.  The feeling of summer.

I’ve realized throughout this summertime list that what I really love about each one of these things is the feeling they evoke from me.  The sweet and breezy feelings.  The high and bright feelings.  The warmth, the freedom, the ease, the joy… it’s the feeling of summer that I love.  The best part about loving a feeling, of course, is that you can take it with you whether the things and conditions come with you or not.  Oh I love summer with all my heart, I do.  I’ll be whooping it up every summer solstice for all my days.  But.  I love what summer evokes from me more… and I have access to that even on the darkest, coldest January night.  I can think about the swimming and the hiking and the delicious abundant food.  I can think about the road trips and the breezes and the sound of crickets chirping through the night.  I can think of the gatherings and the flowers and the smell of a kitchen full of just-picked fruit.

I can think of my niece rocking it on the trampoline on the clearest, brightest day of summer.

It’s been a good summer.  A really good summer.  I’ve milked my favorite season for all it’s goodness day after glorious day.  And now, I dare say, I am eager for the crispness and colors of the autumn that is upon us.  Hello, fall.  Bring it on.

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66.  Kayaking.

Eli has been used to riding with one of us when we take to the lake in our kayaks.  This year, he tried his hand at paddling his own boat… while getting a cozy little tow from my mom.

67.  Dressing beachy.

It’s probably no dramatic surprise that I love to dress my babes in nautically-inspired clothing.  My own style of dress is equally relaxed and beach-y.  My sister has said, “You always look like you just stepped off a boat.”  Not sure if that’s a compliment or not, but I’ll take it as one.  Anything that makes me feel like I’m at the beach is a good thing.

68.  Kite-flying.

It’s a true summer pleasure to take to a windy beach and watch a kite dance wildly.

69.  Sleeping with windows open.

I’ve so loved the breezes that lap at any exposed limbs during the night, keeping us cool and refreshed.  Our windows are inching lower and lower now as the cooler night air of September slinks in.  We’ll keep them cracked as long as we can…

70.  Cherry tomatoes.

We’ve had such an abundant tomato season in our little yard.  Delicious chocolate cherry and egg-yolk cherry tomatoes have graced our salads and made their way into salsas and coulis.  The best thing to do with these beauties though, is to roast them with some olive oil, maple syrup and salt and then top everything and anything with them.  Delish.

71.  Wearing skirts.

I’ve had happy, carefree knees for many a summer day.

72.  Campfires.

73.  S’mores.

74.  The summer triangle.

This constellation is the true mark of summer.  My first summer baby, Eli, has the summer constellation marked on his cheek with three freckles.  He carries summer with him all the time.

75.  Summer feet.

2 1/2 months of barefoot exploration can certainly toughen the feet.  Feet that used to wince at a pebbly driveway can now make their way easily (well, easier, at least) across rough terrain.

76.  The sound of cicadas.

77.  Beach balls.

78.  The summer-squash overload.

So what I really mean is chocolate zucchini cake which is always the natural consequence of too much squash.  And it freezes really well, which means they’ll be more cake come January!  Our summer squash days have made way to winter squash days and those too, bring delicious delights all their own.  It’s almost time to roast up those kabocha squashes that were happily harvested as compost pile surprises.

79.  Colorful produce.

Purple peppers, pink carrots, purple beans, yellow beets….  Vegetables are even more fun when they come in pretty and unexpected colors.

80.  Water tricks.

“Mama watch!”  “Okay, now, NOW, watch this one!”

81.  Cucumber Agua Fresca.

It was a good cucumber season for our CSA and while I do heartily like cucumbers, there are only so many you can eat (and only so many pickles you want to put by).  Cucumber drinks have kept things deliciously interesting.

82.  Kitties napping in secret places.

We lost our sweet orange kitty, Nowan, this summer.  He was here one day, and gone the next.  While we at first were hopeful that he was merely on a little vacation, it’s looks likely now that our furry family member has moved on to kitty-heaven.  We miss him terribly.  Nowie was calm and patient, sweet and still. Affectionate.  He smelled like sunshine and fresh laundry.

Losing a cat is heartbreaking in a surprising way.  Our cats have been the undercurrent of our household.  They don’t demand much of our attention, yet their presence offers a steady and significant feeling of well-being.

Cats nap with carefree abandon, particularly when they are curled up or stretched out in the sunshine, soaking up the warmth and light.  The feeling that they evoke, that relaxed, carefree goodness is really the essence of summertime for me.  I intend to carry this with me into the autumn that is just days away.  And, I’ll carry the image of a sweet orange cat aglow in the afternoon sun, emanating a constant rattle of purring.  We love you, Nowan.  Thank you for sharing 13 years with us.

83.  Sandals.

84. Pretty toes.

85.  Summertime meals al fresco.

86.  Shucking corn.

It’s so nice to have  some extra (and eager) helping hands when it comes time to shuck the corn.  Oh corn-on-the-cob, how I love you with butter and salt.  I can eat a plate of you for dinner with nothing else.  You are what is divine about summer.

87.  The company of songbirds.

88.  Big sun hats.

89.  Lavender.

90.  Sun-dried laundry.

It’s really not a chore for me to hang the laundry on the line.  It’s a sunny meditation, really.  I watch the clouds, listen to the birds and the chatter of a certain 1-year-old pattering around the yard.  It’s a quiet treat disguised as a chore that yields crisp sheets and clothing that smells like summer.

91. Preserving.

Though it can easily turn into an entire day’s work, I get such a feeling of accomplishment from preserving food.  While what I’ve put by might be modest by farmer-standards (our farmers measure their canning progress in quarts vs. my pints), this is certainly my busiest year of preserving thus far.  Our pantry shelves are bursting with strawberry, blueberry, raspberry and nectarines jams as well as beet relish and pickles.  Our humble freezer has delicious tomato sauce, pesto, corn and greens pressed within its frosty walls.  It’s going to be a lovely winter…

92.  The smell of grapes.

Driving around these parts in late summer with the windows open, one can catch a heady whiff of grapevines heavy with wild concord grapes.

93.  The license plate game.

With road trips all over New England this summer, we’ve had plenty of time for our favorite car game.  Our last trip to Maine, we grossed 46 states.  Including, I might add, Alaska and Hawaii.  It was Idaho, North Dakota, West Virginia and Nevada that eluded us.

94.  The hostas in bloom.

The previous owners of our home went a little hosta-crazy.  We have many, many hostas.  Truthfully, these leafy shade plants have never been high on the list of my garden loves.  When late summer rolls around; however, these beauties transform our walkway into a lilac-colored fairyland.

95.  Secret swimming holes.

We’ve found a few winners in our days of summer exploration.

96.  The first apples.

What’s better than the hearty crunch of a just-picked apple?  Maybe only the promise of the apple crisp and applesauce to come….

97.  Stone fruit.

How many nectarines have I eaten in the last two weeks?  Too many to count….  It’s the first year that we’ve picked them and after so many happy bellies (the neighborhood kids come into the kitchen… “Do you have any more of those nectarines?”) and jars of jam on the shelf, I know it won’t be our last.

98. Crickets.

99.  September swims.

September is really the best time to go to the beach.  The ocean is still warm and the beach is empty.  We never know exactly which swim will be the last of the season (we’ve been lucky enough to swim on Columbus Day in years past), but we know to really, really savor any September swim.

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61.  Sunflowers.

The sunny faces of late summer.

62.  Lying in the sun.

It just feels good.

63.  Pool parties.

A whole bunch of cousins, some pool toys and a warm August afternoon.

64.  Outdoor fun.

Eli had his first alpine slide run and adored it.  The bungee trampoline was not so much a hit.  He’s a speed, not a heights guy, as it turns out.

65.  Driving at night with the windows down.

I love the nighttime summer air blowing my hair back while the crickets chirp along with the hum of wheels on the road.

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57.  Curtains blowing in the breeze.

I love the lofty feeling I get when my curtains dance in the summer wind.

58.  Hammocks.

Swinging in the shade in the comfort of a sturdy hammock… it can lull even the busiest among us into a state (however short) of quiet relaxation.

59.  Honeybees.

I’m always so glad to spot a honeybee.  I love these buzzy pollinators and am perpetually appreciative of their liquid gold that we all so enjoy.

60.  Adirondack chairs.

Soren knows all about taking it easy, summer style.  The Adirondack chairs are where it’s at.  Especially when they’re just his size.

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56.  August birthday boys.

August is a celebratory month around here as both my boys have August birthdays.  Eli turned 8 on the 7th and TODAY our little Soren turns ONE!  It’s been a summer of so much goodness already and parties with cake and laughter certainly top the list.  Here’s to a whole new cycle around the sun for both my beautiful boys…

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52.  Board games.

Summer nights on vacation are the perfect time to bust out a board game.  It’s the most fun when it’s a whole family affair…

53.  Boats.

I love boats even when I’m not in them.  But especially when I am.

54.  Critters.

Summer brings such cute (in their own way) little creatures out into the open.  We’ve had fun catching frogs and spotting salamanders.

55.  Cloud watching.

Some of my best memories from childhood are of cloud watching on high, sunny days.  Allowing the time to just lay back and watch stories take shape is a true summer delight.  It seems hard at first to slow down enough to just watch.  And wait.  But there’s such treasure to be had once I surrender to the lazy (in a good, good way) pleasure of summer relaxation.

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51.  The zip line.

A zip line runs across the backyard of my parents’ house in Maine.  Prior to this summer, in order to even get at the zip line you needed to climb to the top of a ladder precariously leaning against a tall pine.  Once at the top, you needed to pivot around on a space barely bigger than your feet.  Only then could you attempt to get your balance and grab the handlebars before careening down the line and slamming into another pine tree rebounding.  On our last visit; however, Jeff and my Dad constructed a substantial new platform complete with ladder rungs for access.  It’s still a little too scary for some of us, ahem, but it remains a whooping testament to summertime fun.

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46.  Sitting in the grass.

With a not-yet-walking babe, a lot of time is spent at ground level.  The summer is the nicest time to enjoy the soft cushion of grass beneath us along with the well-loved smell of a freshly-mowed field.

47. So many greens!

I confess, there have been times that it felt like work to make it through all the greens.  But still, I continue to marvel at the abundance of lettuce, chard, beet greens, mustard greens and kale coming to us through our own garden and our weekly farm share.

48.  The sky after a storm.

Thunderstorms are a summertime thrill and there is nothing like a post-storm sky… when everything is still and the clouds part to reveal the first glimpses of high, blue sky.

49.  Sandcastles.

However majestic or humble they may turn out, spending beach-time sculpting a sandcastle is a true ritual of summertime.

50.  Outdoor naps.

A good day in the sun and sand can tucker any guy out… that’s when it’s time to catch some zzz’s al fresco.

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45.  Raspberries.

I couldn’t help but shove berries into my mouth by the fistful when picking these beauties.  I wasn’t the only one.  Soren took to raspberries right away and was soon scooping them out of my berry baskets almost as fast as I could pick them.  Who can blame a baby with a hankering for the taste of sweet summer?

In addition to gorging on fresh berries, we enjoyed them with cereal and desserts (can anything beat chocolate cake with raspberries on top?) and yes, they were made into (yet more) jam.  What a sweet winter it’s going to be…

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44. Hummingbirds.

These sweet, small friends only visit us in the summertime when there is plenty of nectar to be had.  It’s a special warm-weather treat to be out near the honeysuckle or beebalm near dinnertime and hear the hum of tiny beating wings.

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